Crimes Committed by the N.S.A.

Friday, September 9, 2016

World government and world citizenship is the goal of the Bilderberg Group. The Bilderberg Group is the most powerful secret society in the world. The Bilderberg Group members, such as Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger decide the outcome of planned future events – for example the U.S.’s economic domination of the world’s land that contains the largest amount of petroleum, that is the United Arab Emirates – as the result Bilderberg Group members creating a problem that requires military action for its solution, rendering US. Economic power over nation states near the United Arab Emirates and the United Arab Emirates. Prescott Bush is George Herbert Walker Bush’s father and George Walker Bush’s grandfather. Prescott Bush graduated from Yale University and was a United States Senator during Dwight D. Eisenhower’s presidential administration.

World government and world citizenship is the goal of the Bilderberg Group. The Bilderberg Group is the most powerful secret society in the world. The Bilderberg Group members, such as Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger decide the outcome of planned future events – for example the U.S.’s economic domination of the world’s land that contains the largest amount of petroleum, that is the United Arab Emirates – as the result Bilderberg Group members creating a problem that requires military action for its solution, rendering US. Economic power over nation states near the United Arab Emirates and the United Arab Emirates.

Prescott Bush is George Herbert Walker Bush’s father and George Walker Bush’s grandfather. Prescott Bush graduated from Yale University and was a United States Senator during Dwight D. Eisenhower’s presidential administration.

Prescott Bush was a member of a secret society called the “Skull and Bones.” While Prescott Bush was a member of the Skull and Bones he wrote out a plan of action that would achieve a fascist U.S. government and a fascist German government, overthrowing the U.S. government and the German governments replacing them with a dictator controlled fascist governments.

Prescott Bush was successful in the plan that he set, putting Adolf Hitler in power over during 1933, but with respect to overthrowing the U.S government, he failed, since the people involved in overthrowing the U.S. government failed at actions taken to overthrow the U.S. government.

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