Crimes Committed by the N.S.A.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Shame on England, Canada, the U.S., Germany, and Australia for conducting scientific human experiments on people with mental illnesses, while they are alive and physically healthy - from the early 18th century until 1980, when the "Church hearings" resulted in legislation that made scientific human experimentation conducted on people that were alive - an infraction of state law for all 50 U.S. states. Shame on England, Canada, the U.S., Germany, and Australia for participating in Eugenics programs, as medical practices of Eugenics was either a state law or provincial law within these nation states from the early 20th century until the late 20th century.

Shame on England, Canada, the U.S., Germany, and Australia for conducting scientific human experiments on people with mental illnesses, while they are alive and physically healthy - from the early 18th century until 1980, when the "Church hearings" resulted in legislation that made scientific human experimentation conducted on people that were alive - an infraction of state law for all 50 U.S. states.

Shame on England, Canada, the U.S., Germany, and Australia for participating in Eugenics programs, as medical practices of Eugenics was either a state law or provincial law within these nation states from the early 20th century until the late 20th century. br>
Shame on England, Canada, the U.S., Germany, and Australia for sterilizing the mentally ill by methods such as severing the scrotum of mentally ill men or boys, and "tying the tubes" of mentally ill women or girls, and by injection of DE Provera, a drug that prevents men and women from reproducing. The British, Canadians, Germans, Australians, and Americans make me sick to my stomach knowing that laws within these nation states required physicians to take away the (God given human freedom right to reproduce that applies to all human beings including human beings with a mental illness) by sterilization methods. br>
Shame on the U.S. for large sized scientific human experimentation programs, such as the scientific human experiments that were conducted on mentally ill patients at the Tavistock Institute, at the Cold Springs Harbor, and at the following universities: 1); Harvard University, 2); McGill University, 3); The John Hopkins’s University, 4); the University of California, Los Angeles, 5); Stanford University, and 6); the University of California, Berkeley. br>
Shame on Francis Galton for publishing works of pseudo-science that define the Intelligence Quotient of a human being based on racist ideology and feelings of male European Superiority. br>
Shame on physicians such as J.B. Haldane for making significant contributions to Euteleugenesis, that is the medical science of modifying gene frequency’s for the purpose of creating a sire family of genes, (a superior" family of genes) that continues to be inherited by people in the current day that we are living in. br>
Shame on the physicians, scientists, and engineers that had a job directly related, indirectly related, or a hob within the Human Genome Project - from 1986 until now. br>
Why is it that England and the U.S. think that it is somehow ok to enslave or kill people based on the idea that these acts of evil will significantly speed up the advancement of their industrialization, scientific discovery, technological advancements, and advancements made in physiology and medicine" br>
Why did England think that it was ok to enslave children that lived in foster homes to work in their numerous factory’s to operate machines powered with a wheel driven by the running water of a stream, a steam-engine, or by the burning of coal from 1760 until 1853 during their industrial revolution?" br>

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