Crimes Committed by the N.S.A.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Violations of human rights and human freedoms, and the crimes commited by the creators and supervisors of the "MK-Ultra Program", "Phoenix Program", and "Monach Program."

Written by Mark R. Rowe on 5/6/2015 in San Diego, CA

The history of psychiatry in the United States has a direct correlation to human experimentation that took place in Nazi controlled Germany during most of the 1930s and 1940s 
                The cousin of Charles Darwin, Francis Galton, of whom is the father of Eugenics, created a pseudo-science called Eugenics that involved the sterilization of men, women, and adolescents.
                Eugenics was very popular in the U.S., U.K., and in Germany from the 1920s through the 1980s.  This is a 60 year time period that physicians performed vasectomies on men, and embryotic death among women and to include adolescent men and adolescent women.
                Eugenics was promoted on a massive scale by British, American and German media.  Margret Sanger swathe foremost leading advocate for the promotion of Eugenics by the late 1920’s.  When was fully funded by the Rockefeller Foundation to create and apply large scale media campaigns that affected the minds and attitudes of individuals in the U.S., U.K., and in Germany.  This media push for the avocation of Eugenics spread beyond the U.S., U.K. and Germany, and by the mid-1940’sthe acceptance and approval of Eugenics had spread to over 30 nations of the world.
                Why was there such a large push for the avocation of Eugenics shortly after the turn of the 19th century?  A small number of elite and ultra-wealthy individuals met with each other over the course of a few years during the mid-1920s.  This was shortly after John D. Watson published his famous psychological theory entitled “behaviorism.”  It was at those meetings where this elite group of indiviulas crated various application for the pseudo-science of Eugenics and in combination with the field of medicine called psychiatry.  The plan involved a huge mass depopulation agenda that would take over 80 years to accomplish.   This elite group of individuals acquired the support of the U.S. Federal government while both parties operated with complete secrecy, and in the shadow of the American public’s eye, and to include the other nations, (primarily in Europe) that were affected by Eugenics.
                By the year 1963 there were just over 60,000 human being sterilization operations performed by U.S. physicians in 13 U.S. states.  The majority of human being sterilizations took place in the states of California and the state of Virginia.
                The previous paragraph is a direct citation of the Colliers Encyclopedia, copyrighted, published and first sold in 1963.  During the early 1920’s a U.S. Supreme court justice stated the following worlds:  “Three generations of imbeciles are enough, we must develop and implement a final solution to this problem, that will cause all future generations to not pass down undesirable characteristics of a human being, to include metal deficiency, mental illness, mental retardation, and “feeble-mindedness” – to their offspring.
                In more recent years of modern history, there have been significant advancements in Bio-engineering.  Some of these advancements are to include the altering of the human germline, and involve the extraction of the original D.N.A. inside both the ovary and sperm, and the replacement of genetically modified D.N.A. to both the ovary and sperm.
                The goal of this Bio-engineering project is (and was) to intentionally create an entire generation of human beings that did not possess undesirable characteristics such as mental illness, mental retardation or “feeble-mindedness.”  The hope was that eventually all subsequent generation would inherit this genetically altered D.N.A., and that mental deficiencies, mental illness, mental retardation, and “feeble-mindedness” would cease to exist in all future births, this creating a so called “master race” of human beings.
                With the invention of L.S.D. in Switzerland psychiatrists now had the opportunity to create and implement methods of mind control, brainwashing and psychic driving.  Shortly thereafter scientific methods of controlling the human mind were adopted by the U.S. Federal government and creation  black operations programs began such as MK-Ultra, Project Bluebird, MK-NOAMI, the Phoenix Program, and the current day mind control program taking place all across the world, called “The Monarch Program.”
                The original scientific research that was involved with the creation of programs such as the MK-Ultra and the Phoenix program, involved human being experimentation that took place in Montreal, Canada, and at Belleview Psychiatric Hospital in New York, New York.
                The name of the psychiatric hospital in Montreal, Canada was called the Allen Dulles Psychiatric Institute.  There were subsequent Psychiatric Hospital to follow that took part in the original research that was applied in the MK-Ultra and Phoenix programs, what were carried out, and managed by the Central Intelligence Agency from the late 1940’s through 1995.  1995 marked the year that official presidential court hearings were held, due to human rights violations that these covert C.I.A. projects were in direct violation of.
                In 1940 the yearly world conference of the World Federation of Mental Health was held, and at this conference Dr. G. Brock and Dr. Chrisholm, (the two co-founders of the World Federation of Mental Health) spoke the following words:  “In order to achieve world government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men the knowledge of the difference between right and wrong.”  “The primary method that will be used to achieve world government, is through the rapid spread of the promotion of psychiatry and psychotherapy.”  The goals of all psychotherapy are to, (1); eliminate loyalty to family traditions, (2); eliminate national patriotism from the minds of men, (3); eliminate all religious dogmas from the minds of men.  These goals set by the World Federation of Mental Health in 1940, were goals for the next 60 years, and to be fully realized by the year 2000.
                Why did the world Federation of Mental Health put into motion these specific goals for mankind?  If nationalism, religion, and the unity of the of the traditional family were removed from the world, then the people of the world would have to proper environment within every community, that would cause them to have the idea that world citizenship, world unity, would government, a world currency, an world economy and a world military – is attractive, and a means to crate permanent world peace.

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