Crimes Committed by the N.S.A.

Monday, April 27, 2015

The stupid evil men that practiced the science of eugenics, sterilization, and scientific sociological racism

Nevertheless, the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature classifies human beings as homo sapiens sapiens, granting special status to humans as a taxonomic rank for which no subspecies exists, nor even can ever exist. According to this view, any physical or mental differences between an Australian aboriginal and an Englishman are too trivial even to be noticed by a respectable taxonomist. Without waiting for the professionals to reassure them, Englishmen promptly interbred with aboriginals at the first opportunity, demonstrating that if by definition all members of a species can interbreed, the same is also true with regard to relations between subspecies. Even as the concept of human particularism rendered the word ‘subspecies’ unattractive with regard to people, the mighty wave of freedom that swept over the world in the last third of the twentieth century rendered ‘race’ unacceptable as well. ‘Race,’ it was declared, was still another ‘social construct’ that existed only as a fantasy. Some feminists made the same claim about the differences between men and women, and evolution itself has been referred to as a “social construction.” After teaching a biophysics class at Yale I received a note from a Jewish intellectual to whom I had written that it was “silly to have to argue that health and intelligence are better than sickness and stupidity.” His response: Health is an unsuccessfully chosen grouping of symptoms. There is no such thing as health, nor can one come to productive conclusions using this concept. Intelligence is not an objective thing. There are more kinds of mental and spiritual activities than your philosophy can dream of. These are hopeless words to use. They distort and lead to obsessive mental circles, they torture you. Even had there been such things as health and intelligence, neither one of them would be genetically determined. With very few exceptions one could teach anyone to be what you would call healthy and smart. We are ideologically too far apart. Too many basic axioms and even definitions are different for us. I never should have opened this discussion.

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