Crimes Committed by the N.S.A.

Friday, April 24, 2015


     The people that are truly insane, crazy, and irrational are psychiatrists and psychologists that work in the field of behavioral science.  It is these people that are continually attempting to escape the sickness of their minds while running from their numerous irrational fears on a daily basis.  The method that these people use to escape their sicknesses is by ensuring that their clients and patients continue to present symptoms of fake conjured up metal illnesses, (that only existed after 1952) so that there is a continual medical justification for the lifelong drugging of innocent individuals.  And in doing so, drug companies get rich by selling unheard of amounts of psychotropic drugs to insurance companies, insurance companies get rich by profiting from the consumer, from the drug companies, and from psychiatrists, psychiatrists get rich by having a never ending supply of “mental health” patients, psychiatric hospitals get rich, since their hospital beds stay full for the majority of each year, psychotropic drug manufacturing companies get rich, since the demand for these “pill farms” to produce a seemingly never ending supply of drugs is always present in the worlds economy, and psychotropic drug research companies get rich, from the evidence that during the early 1960’s there were a total of fewer than 10 psychiatric drugs, and since then psychotropic drug research companies have developed, designed, and tested over 200 psychotropic drugs all of which have passed regulations set by the Food and Drug Administration.

     The fuel that is added to the fire is the fact that during the mid 1950’s only 140 mental illness were defined in the Diagnostic Statistic Manual (DSM-V1), and now in the current year of 2014, there are 880 mental illnesses defined in the DSM-Version-5.

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