Crimes Committed by the N.S.A.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Why did the Rockefeller Foundation money used to support Wendell and Holmes proposition reduced human population of "imbeciles," "feeble-minded," and "defective," formation of associations followed by like organizations such as the "Eugenics Records Association," and "The Human Betterment Association," renamed to this association's current name is "The Planned Parenthood Federation," are groups of people with enormous wealth size - feel that they could get away with the concealment of methods used to reduce human population administered by physicians backed by state law, and funded research/developement of Eugenics methods continued advance - without the exposure of these methods used to reduce human population, when the number of computer/mobile device users in 2017 is a number slightly greater than 1 billion for the number of people that use computers/mobile devices while connected to the internet sometimes communicating conversations about topics such as the existience of Eugenics in the U.S. already mentioned here?

Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon law at (Ingoldstaldt College); [located in the Bravarian region of Austria] founded a secret society called the Illuminati with M. A. Rothschild donation on May 1, 1776 with aim to foster rationalism and combat religious dogma./title> <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"> <meta name="description" content="Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon law at (Ingoldstaldt College); [located in the Bravarian region of Austria] founded a secret society called the Illuminati with M. A. Rothschild donation on May 1, 1776 with aim to foster rationalism and combat religious dogma" /> This tag provides a short description of the page. In some situations this description is used as a part of the snippet shown in the search results. More information <title>Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon law at (Ingoldstaldt College); [located in the Bravarian region of Austria] founded a secret society called the Illuminati with M. A. Rothschild donation on May 1, 1776 with aim to foster rationalism and combat religious dogma. #roths #prisca_doctrine #illoomeinati #jj #theartofmusic #igers #like4like

Why did the Rockefeller Foundation money used to support Wendell and Holmes proposition reduced human population of "imbeciles," "feeble-minded," and "defective," formation of associations followed by like organizations such as the "Eugenics Records Association," and "The Human Betterment Association," renamed to this association's current name is "The Planned Parenthood Federation," are groups of people with enormous wealth size - feel that they could get away with the concealment of methods used to reduce test population administered by physicians backed by state law, and funded research/developement of Eugenics methods continued advance - without the exposure of these methods used to reduce human population, when the number of computer/mobile device users in 2017 is a number slightly greater than 1 billion for the number of people that use computers/mobile devices while connected to the internet sometimes communicating conversations about topics such as the existience of Eugenics in the U.S. already mentioned here?

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