Crimes Committed by the N.S.A.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Let us take a look at the 1870’s once again and ask ourselves the question that is the following: “when there was great economic disparity, disposition, depravity and, economic super structures’ markets collapse in 1859 namely the “Great Panic of 1859” that most drastically affected were North American men, women and their children with the same magnitude for 10 years (1869 -1879)

      -- did this event create the need for mankind to (out of our need for survival as a human species) be driven to discover and contribute so much to mathematics, science, and engineering (from the discoveries made in Lower Saxony, Germany at Goettingen University to the United States benefiting so much from Westinghouse’s discovery and application of electricity that now flowed in and out of each U.S. citizen’s property such as to and from their house or to and from their commercial business located on a busy street in a large sized U.S. city)?
     The contributions to mathematics, physics, and engineering  that were made at Goettingen University in Lower Saxony during the last quarter of the nineteenth century and through the first two decades of the twentieth century certainly gave the world the advancements in mathematics, physics, and engineering that was required for a particular chosen example such as, Alan Turing’s discovered Turing Computational Machines that was well needed during the height of World War 2.  
     Did the will of men to overcome the financial losses that resulted from the “Great Panic of 1859” directly trigger the great advancements made at Goettingen University supposing that when great loss or great strife occurs then, the need for a solution can equal realized great success for a chosen example such as the great advancements both discovered and applied in mathematics, science, engineering and, technology that gave mankind the possibility to create engines, motors, an electrically powered mechanical and electrical system, a supercomputer or personal computer is the possible conclusion for this supposition?
     Note: The definition of a Turing computable machines is the following: "Turing computable machines contain inherited nodes and leafs of discrete quantities for finite quantities of simultaneous non-deterministic time polynomial decidable coefficients that multiply x m by n matrices solutions (m by n matrices are like elements to the decided polynomial coefficients) that are juxtaposed for a solved integer programmed language if and only if this Turing computable machine does not receive a halting configuration.  These solutions are the output for this Turing computable machine while it is in operation.

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